
Session 2



Paper #81 - PDF document

Keynote Speaker

Current and Emerging Processing Technologies for Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhammoides I.) and its Products.

Alphonsus Utioh, Food Development Centre, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba (Canada)


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Paper #005 - PDF document

Recovery of Lipophilic Compounds from Seabuckthorn Pomace by SFE.

Moersel, J.-Th.; Mothes, S.; Wilhelm, S.; Mörsel, Cl.; Steen, S. (Germany)


Format PDF (406k)


Paper #025 - PDF document

Evaluation of Processing and Nutritional Attributes of Seabuckthorn Fruit Fractions of Indian Summer and Sinensis Varieties.

Haihong Wang and Alphonsus Utioh (Canada)


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Paper #027 - PDF document

Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Powders Obtained by Hot-air or Freeze-drying.

Monica Araya-Farias, Joseph Makhlouf and Cristina Ratti (Canada)


Format PDF (225k)


Paper #024 - PDF document

Supercritical Frluid Extraction of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rahmnoides L.) Seed Oil.

Haihong Wang and Alphonsus Utioh (Canada)


Format PDF (681k)


Paper #068 - PDF document

Changes of Contents of Acids in the Fermentation Process of Seabuckthorn Wine.

Duanguo Zenhg, Changzheng Lu, Pingyuan Lu, Hongzhi Liu and Ning'an Ma (China)


Format PDF (853k)


Paper #013 - PDF document The Influence of Harvest Time on Quality of Lipid-Based Compounds in Seabuckthorn Seed and Fruit Oil. S.D. St. Goerge, S. Cenkowski (Canada)


Format PDF (824k)


Paper #033 - PDF document

The Natural Antioxydative Activity of Raw Materials, Half-Finished and Final Products Measured in Only One Value.

N. Groth and K. Heilscher (Germany)


Format PDF (223k)




Paper #006 - PDF document

Keynote Speaker

Chemistry of Seabuckthorn - Nutritional, Medicinal and Cosmetic Aspects.

Joerg-Thomas Moersel, Technical University Berlin (Germany)


Format PDF (896k)


Paper #079 - Presentation unavailable

For more information please contact author at:

Identification and Quantification of a New Sugar Compound in Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Berries.

Baoru Yang and Katja Tiitinen (Finland)


Paper #074 - PDF document Quality and Authenticity of Seabuckthorn Oils Using Successive UV-Vis, FT-IR, NMR Spectroscopy and HPLC, GC- Chromatography Fingerprints.

Socaciu C., Trif M., Ranga F., Fetea F., Bunea A., Dulf F., Bele C. and Echim C. (Romania)


Format PDF (4307k)


Paper #022 - PDF document

Polar Constituents of Himalayan (Ladkh) Seabuckthorn Leaves.

T.V. Sumitha and A. Banerji (India)


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